Digital Services

We do it all–differently.

Strategic Elements leverages comprehensive data and insights to develop an informed, precise, and fully integrated digital strategy for our clients. We move unlikely allies and advocates into action using cross-network and cross-organizational social channels, end-to-end digital advertising, and expert testing and optimization.

Social Media Management

We know how to build social communities stocked with precise yet diverse sets of potential allies, leveraging targeting strategies to deliver high-value content and engagement opportunities. From content creation to posting and monitoring to reporting, our comprehensive services achieve a range of goals, including follower growth, increased awareness, powerful amplification, and content engagement.

Amplified Social Media Strategy

To achieve valuable outcomes, we recommend the combination of multiple amplification strategies to increase trust, enhance reputation, and create an impactful echo chamber for key messages. Our approach includes creating content for internal organizational leaders, cross-industry subject matter experts, influencers, localized leaders, and third parties and allies. By tapping existing, robust, and trusted networks, we can more effectively breakthrough and secure support with amplified social media content.

Digital Advertising

We deliver complete digital advertising services, including messaging, creative development, media plan creation and execution, reporting and optimizations. Our cross-channel offering hinges on precise targeting to deliver ads efficiently and effectively, across programmatic display and video, search ads, social media ads, connected TV ads, digital radio, and direct publication ad buys.

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Social Listening

By analyzing trending social media conversations through isolated and relevant keywords, we can inform crisis situations, identify opportunities to engage, and uncover topics to avoid. This unmatched context on social dialogues drives not only the social strategy, but the broader campaign strategy as well.

Social Reporting and Optimizations

One of the most powerful benefits of social and digital content is that it’s responsive – these reactive and real-time metrics provide a unique opportunity, compared to other channels, to adjust across the board and improve results day over day. We optimize by a variety of factors including messenger, channel, content, channel, audience, posting time, and graphics.

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It’s time to take your public affairs work to the next level. Contact us to learn how Strategic Elements can help.